best price on live rock

Look on E-bay - do a search for Fiji live rock. There is a place up near Tampa with rock for around $2.20/lb. It's not that far of a drive and you can save on shipping, plus get fresher rock with less curing. Don't know quality, though.
what you do is ... you talk to the guy, and take ALL of his LR ... and take it all for $2.00 - $2.50 /lbs ... then you take what you need, and the rest you take to the fish store ... most stores will buy the stuff from you ... i know rich @ board room has always bought my excess rock .. .eventhough last time i was there .. few weeks ago his LR bin was filled to the top, and then some.

btu the store will probably give you ~$4-$5 /lbs. ... that makes up for your hassle, and then some extra play money.
I have about 10-20lbs of premium Indo-rock I could sell... Its not cheap, but its fully cured and totally covered in Coraline algae.

PM for price.