Best salt?


Premium Member
I am using oceanic salt for about 1.5 years now and was wondering what the best salt is bar none these days.
I think most will say it is tropic marin, and of course the pro version. I used tropic marin for one year and switched back to Instant ocean I think it makes less algae. Just my opinion.
I think this is a matter of opinion. Tropic Marin pro is what I use. Its about as close to natural seawater as you can get.
there is not a best salt. use a good brand that you can find locally. i use Kent Marine and love it. others including many large public aquariums use Instant Ocean. others use Tropic Marin. they all end up with the same results.
I agree w/ the above posters . The endless best salt question... If Oceanic works for you why change?

BTW : I use Kent :)
I've switched a few times to "better salt" only to have various and sundry weird problems. I have switched back to Instant Ocean 3 times now and plan to stay there. The mix is more consistent than anything else I have used.
I have had good luck with Marine Pro, it is consistent and has a lot of the elements needed for a reef setup. But, like others have said, it is really only a matter of opinion. Use what you feel comfortable with.
Instant ocean, reef crystals, tropic marin and TM Pro all good. Look for Omega brand too. New salt from makers of IO. Could be good stuff from what i heard but cant find it.