Best set-up for my 90 gal


Premium Member
I have a 4' 90gal tank w/ lots of rock, caulerpa, corals (SPS and LPS), DSB, jawfish...
I have been very happy with a Reef Tec PE-1...a two way current would have been nicer, but I was trying to save money......My rock is in two piles in the center of the tank - the water flows counter-clockwise around the rock. I ran the Reef tec next to the LPS, so the strength of the stream hit the SPS, and the milder return flow hit the LPS...after replacing the pump twice, it's time to look for a more dependable solution
Using your line, would you please give me an economy suggestion, and an 'improved' suggestion (possibly two way - I do have a Natural Wave, if that would be compatable)?
Thank you very much,
Hello India,
Until Roger responds I'll tide you over with this:

I have a 90 gallon tank with two of the 6000 model streams (smaller transformer) and one mutlicontroller. With the ability to vary the water flow from 30% to 100%, I find that I can tailor the flow for a variety of needs. I think this is the best set up for your situation (not considering the finances ;) ). Without a variable speed Stream, or with one the larger model, you will probably have a hard time keeping everything in the tank happy.

I suppose the economy suggestion is a single 6000 which can be manually adjusted from 30% - 1--% flow and use it in conjunction with your current wavemaking devices.

Hi india and Evets,

We have two types of Stream pump. The 6000 and 6100 are Electronic, they run on low voltage and a computer generates a HZ pattern to control the rotational speed of the pump. They also come with a controller as kits 6010 and 6110, these include a controller that lets them pulse and allows an easy speed control. The computer also has alarm to notify you of any pump problems. As for the economy models 6060 and 6080 no control is possible excepting a timer with 1hr intervals. Our pumps are magnetic drive and use a side braced shaftless drive system. This creates very low friction and reduces the energy consumption. Unfortunately it relies on a centrifugal clutch to stabilize the drive unit on start up and frequent start stop literally shreds the gears, brake shoes as they never get time to retract before reengaging. I think the best option would be to piece together a system of two 6010 pumps. Buy one at a time. Short of this you could use 2 6060's with timers and 1hr intervals but i think the Electronic pumps are worth the money as the computer enables some really neat control possibilities and the alarm is a very nice feaure that prevents any damage to the pump. The 6060 pumps are about the same price as a Reef Tec at $115.
So, I need two 6010s, a controller, and an element to let the controller run the second pump...Do I just get on a waiting list at Marine Depot or Champion, or is there somewhere else I could purchase the set, possibly with a discount if I buy it all at once?

One more question, please: What would I have if I just got one 6010 with a controller, and pulsed it? I do have lopsided SPS growth from using just one avoiding that the whole reason for the second pump?

Thank you very much for your help,
The 6010's will each include a single controller. If you wanted more elaborate control such as tide mode (one off, one on) you could get two 6000 and a multicontroller, if you wanted them to pulse in unison you would want 1 6010, one branch adapter and 1 6000. I don't think you would get lopsided growth but the detritus would likely acumulate in pockets without the more random patterns of two pumps. You could definitely start with one and the price does not go down with packages or kits, it is just a more convenient way to order them. Their are no pumps available at this time. The waiting list is the best option.