Best Test Kits - Reef tank


New member
Looking for the following:

1) Ease of use - I have pretty good patience but would like something that I could have the wife or another family member check when I'm out of town
2) Accuracy - currently using an API master kit (non-reef) and for the life of me I cannot figure out the color shading. I swear it changes on me everytime I blink.:headwallblue:
3) Value - I don't mind investing however I also don't want to get raked over the coals by the latest & greatest fad.

I'm looking for tried & true - something I can feel confident in the accuracy of the test results.

Thanks for everyone's help!
Hanna Checker for PO4 (most accurate by far)

Hanna Checker for Alk - Easy to use, very accurate

Salifert for NO3 - easiest to read colors

Salifert for Mg - by for brand, easy to see color change

API and Red Sea for Ca - easy to see color change, ease of use

Still same answer for me :)
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Thanks for pointing that out, actually your post on there was what I was looking for / into. Are you still happy with the RedSea Reef Foundation kit?

I'm fairly happy with it. I'm lazy to test and this set actually doesn't bother my laziness. The syringes faded tho so I had to order new ones via redsea.