Best way to acculmate SPS

I assume you mean acclimate...I always dip my new sps frags in a bucket with tank water after that i put them straight into the tank. PLacement depends on the system they came from and what the coral was use to, setting them lower in the tank at first and then moving them up slowly is the best bet if you don't know what lighting they came from.
Some people (including myself) take them out of the bag, glue them to a piece of LR and let them sit out of the water for about 10 minutes. Then just put them in the tank. It's amazing how easy it really is....
jsweir i've heard of the low/hide tide i guess but just scares me. i should drip but i usually just acclimate about 1.5hr using a turkey baster or measured quantities of water ever 3min or so

I finally broke down and tried it after JBNY promoted it on this site. I have not lost a frag since I started doing it that way.
i don't do any acclimation, just warm up the bag with the sps and take it out, glue it or just take and put in my tank. 90% of the times I will see polyps within 5 minutes.
If I was really worried(ie i bought a whole colony) I use those iv dripper bags and load it up with water and let it drip away and then empty a little and add more water to the IV bag and finally do temperature change after in a bag but thats only if I spent money. Otherwise 1/2 cup to 1 cup of bag water then 3/4-1 cup and then release.

Although the drying method of acclimation sounds pretty popular. My only issue is denver is dryer then most climates so time is probably less also gluing outside the water seems bad to me if its not put back in right away since glue heats up if I remember correctly.
I just pull it out of the bag, then put it in a bowl and put some of its water with my water for a minute, then dump it onto the rock and watch it settle in :D
i acclimate them like fish usually. i have just placed right in too. it doesn't seem to matter much.
wow...might have to try that out. it's just scary w/ some high prized corals i bet but hey if it

doody - I do put mine in a 6 hour bath of interceptor and flat worm medication before putting them in the tank. But the procedure from bag to water is still the same...
yeah i forgot to ask youa bout the interceptor treatment. so bag glued to rock...10min out to slime then into the interceptor treatment?? then after 6hrs straight to the tank?

Yes, that is right. I used old tank water to treat - so no acclimation from treatment to tank. So far, so good
Get a bottle of Tropic marine Coral Dip to get rid of red bugs and the acro eating flat worms then set up a QT tank to wait for the their eggs to hatch follow with another treatment for total of 3 dips in 6 weeks. This is I guess a proper way of acclimating a new frag, you really don't want to introduce any of the bugs and FW to your SPS tank, they can multiply very quickly if left unchecked.
i rarely acclimate at all, maybe sometimes i will temp. acclimate them but most of the time i just through them in.
i think any acclimation over 30minutes is overkill regardless
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6775139#post6775139 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jsweir
I finally broke down and tried it after JBNY promoted it on this site. I have not lost a frag since I started doing it that way.

Yeah been doing it for a few years now. Really works great. Really can't get much easier than taking it out of the bag sitting it down outside the tank for 5 minutes or so and then putting it in the tank. (of course you should QT)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6777957#post6777957 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by africangrey
Get a bottle of Tropic marine Coral Dip to get rid of red bugs and the acro eating flat worms then set up a QT tank to wait for the their eggs to hatch follow with another treatment for total of 3 dips in 6 weeks. This is I guess a proper way of acclimating a new frag, you really don't want to introduce any of the bugs and FW to your SPS tank, they can multiply very quickly if left unchecked.

So the interceptor treatment nor Tropic marine Coral Dip get rid of their eggs? How do you know or when do they hatch?
Yeah i am a fan of the low tide method...i have delt with many suppliers who will ship me corals dry with no ill effects on health or color.... my .02