Best way to clean a skimmer??


New member
I picked up an old used berlin turbo for a greatly reduced cost. it looks like it is in great shape, but it has a lot of build up of stuff, be it dead growth or goo, what's the best way to clean it?? I think i read some where about a vinegar solution or something like that to soak it in??
1:1 vinegar and water.

The best way to increase performance on the old berlin skimmers is just to use a strong as heck pump. The stronger the pump and more gph, the better it will skim. if I remember correctly, I've seen people claim them to be efficient while using a Mag9.5 or something in that range.
i've thanks!! I've got another berlin on a different tank that i drive with a mag 7, seems to work pretty good, i'll have to see if i have a spare mag 9 laying around to "turbo charge it" hahaha
Reef Wreak,

Worked like a charm, need toget a couple of gallons of vinager, but it cleaned the skimmer right up with a bit of scrubbing. I don;t know if my GF will ever forgive me for having it sit in the kitchen for a few hrs while i made a mess.