best way to feed engineer Gobies?


New member
Ive purchased an engineer goby a while ago and was wondering what the best way to feed one is. I know there a little slower and dont usually come to the top with the rest of the fish to feed. say they should be feed 3 times a day, is this required? i dont want to over feed the tank in order to g et food down to him. Ive tried sinking pellets, but they usuallyhit the bottom and he has trouble finding them. Any insight or personal experience is greatly appreciated.
i fed my engineer gobie frozen mysis, but i target fed him with a turkey baster so he would accually get the food......i feed all my fish just once a day......they may get a lil more to eat at night when i feed my corals.
Just use a really long piece of airline tubing like a straw to taget feed him. Notice I said really me, mysis don't taste very good, to humans anyways :D
Mmm...mysis. Yes, either airline tubing or a turkey baster. Some reef supply websites sell long feeding tubes if your tank is deep.
I have kept mine for a little more than a year now and I only feed my tank marine Cuisine once a day. He just pops his head out to grab food as it sinks in front of him. I think Mine eats a lot of bristle worms out of the sand as well though.