best way to heat a large system 2000g


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what do all of you use to heat a large system, i've got about 2k gallons of saltwater and its starting to get cold out so i was wondering if you jsut stick in like 15 three hundred watt heaters or if there was a better way.
I use this in my holding tank, it is outside. Never dropped below set temp even when it got down to the low teens at night. 1000 watt heater!!
don't use just one large heater. Break it into multiple and use a second controler like a ACIII. If you do a search on heaters all of them go after awhile.

in my 2000g system I have 4-250watters. This way incase one goes crazy and sticks it can't over heat my system. now the heat is spread out which is more efficent as well. It also gives you redundent controls.