Best way to keep ricordias?


New member
what are the requirements to keep ricordias healthy?
water parameters?
food? how much and how often?
tank placement?
flow? if i see them moving a little bit does that mean i have too much flow?

i just got myself 11 polyps of diff. colors and they are all attached to their own disks. i placed them close together on the sandbed in front of the tank. any ideas and suggestions would be appreciated. thanks!
Ricordias are usally very easy to keep. as long as you add the required amounts of iodide, strontium, calcium, magnesium, and all the other trace element it will be fine its just like any other coral. Feed them once no more than twice a week. depending on your set up to much coral food will cause phosphate and nitrates. for best results target feeding would do you good. Any type of phyto or zooplakton is good, but once in a while some mysis could hurt. once agian i dont know what type of light you have on your system, but 3 to 5 watts is good (this does not include HQIs of t5) depending on your lights if high lighting anywhere will be fine. if lower lighting middle up upper will be fine. moderate lighting & flow will keep them happy. like i said it an easy coral to keep. i sometime recomment as a starter coral to some of my customers. its very hardy.