Best way to remove WD40


New member
Hello guys recently fixed one of my pumps that froze up on me wanted to know what's the best way to remove WD-40 to make this pump usable in an aquarium
I should also note the pump has been fixed for 2 months now so it's not like a real fresh layer of WD-40
I would try a dish soap that has a degreaser, then fresh water multiple rinses

120 DT, Hydra 52 HD lights, life reef skimmer
Dish soap in water in a bucket run pump. Then change water out and do it again then run water with vinegar. I think that should work with no problem. At each stage of cleaning scrub with brush

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Dawn dish liquid breaks up petroleum based products pretty well. They used it to clean wildlife during the oil spills in the Gulf. I think that would work for you.

it will most likely take some type of detergent. after all, the "WD" stands for Water Displacement so rinsing alone will most likely do little. for sure rinse in vinegar.
you already used an emulsifier with dish soap. WD40 is not as toxic as everyone thinks. As long as most of it is gone you should be fine. Your corals are tougher than you think. Residual chemicals will disperse over time.