big problem... water spilled and drywall is wet


In Memoriam
so i left this mourning and left my ro/di running, yes i know bad move. but anyways it dumped approximately 5-15 gallons on my carpet which is also on the 2nd floor. someone noticed it and by the time i got home is was leaking from the light fixture hanging from the ceiling.

now what i am worried about is mold. i am thinking if it dries completely it will not and all i will have to do is probably repaint the ceiling if it turns yellow. reason being is that this was an accidental spill of water, not a constant leak which would attribute to mold development.

any input, im a little worried about it.

BTW my whole tank will be for sale soon. if anyone is interested in any corals, fish, live rock, live sand, pumps, lights, or the whole set up please pm me.
My wife and I had the same issue, only with the washing machine. What we ended up doing was putting as many fans as we could on the 2nd floor, and putting the AC down to as cold as possible until the water dries up. We did file an Insurance claim, and they did give us some money but everything was actually ok. My laptop got wet/fried so this was the biggest issue.
If you do get mold, 2 products: x-14 will make it disappear [shield your tank: it's chlorine!] and Kilz [shield your tank: it's volatile paint] will cover it with a flat nurse-white.
Oh ok, sounds like a relief. I know with regular water (no salt) it isn't a big problem, but not too sure about saltwater. I know it will cause rust but not sure if anymore then that.
I have a mold problem due to long term undetected leak, you will not have a problem if you make sure the place is completely dry, Husky_1 has good suggestions.
Thank god it was filtered fresh and not salt water. Let it dry thoroughly and then use bleach and water solution to clean up any spots and re-paint using Kilz paint with mold blocker. Good luck.
One benefit you may have is RO weater is less likel yot mold due to the lack of bacteria in it. So hopefully you eill only hav eto replace or reapir the damaged material. Good Luck!

Just dry it out. Mold needs water ti thrive. If something is wet and then dries no problem. ITs when it gets wet and has a constant supply of water that there is trouble.

Remember that mold is like the palys in our tanks. Toxic. However they can become airborne.
Yeah, about just ro/di... i had it going right into the sump so it spilled out onto my carpet. i am really screwed, f/s list coming up. should i be really worried since its saltwater that spilled over?
I would put a call into your insurance company. If you're talking about water dripping from your ceiling, that's not good. And be careful with the electrical in that area!