Big tank skimmer, Help me choose

The Barr Sk5220 is a great skimmer- that's what I have and I love it- heck for less than $1500 you could get a SK8220 with all the bells and whistles and probably have enough left over to get a good pump as well! Of course that's if you don't mind waiting- he has a long wait on the big skimmers- mine took about 6 months.
I should have mentioned this before but let me try to help you help me. This will be in my garage so noise is not too much of a factor (I heard that becckets are loud) I would like something that has to be adjusted as little as possible because this entire system is aimed at being as automated as possible so I can spend my time enjoying my fish not my filters. Any help with chosing the type of skimmer would be great. Downdraft, beckett, or the RK2 tall and wide type skimmer, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each. Does it just come down to the most contact time? Thanks for your help guys!
I have to say that my ETSS is very maintenance free. I just clean the neck when it starts to get nasty and other than that don't have to adjust or clean anything except the Bio-Balls once or twice a year, this involves dumping them out of the tower rinsing them off and putting them back in. I have heard from people that I know that the beckett needs to be kept clean to work but with the Bio-balls you don't have to do much of anything. Also the ETSS comes with a drain and a 5 gallon bucket top so you don't constantly have to empty the collection cup. I think which ever skimmer you choose will work but it all comes down to what one you want. Good luck, Tim
I'm in the same boat. I have been doing alot of research on skimmers. There are alot of different opinions out there. From what I have read, Becketts are good, but require quite a bit of tuning, and require a high pressure pump to drive the becketts. They are supposed to work very well on large tanks, and are good at wet skimming. There are some newer re-circulating becketts out, you can check them out here Barr aquatic is reported to have some very nice beckett units, however Brent sold the manufacturing off to a different company, here is their site
I can't comment on their quality, but I believe they are using Brent's designs.

Re-circulating NW skimmers seem to be the new buzz in skimming. The NW pumps usually consume less energy. THey are definitely more expensive than the beckett units though. From what I have read the Deltecs, Euroreefs, and Bubblekings have great feedback. I personaly cannot afford to spend 2500.00 - 5000.00 on a skimmer though. I have not done a cost comparison as far as energy consumed vs cost of NW. I don't have any experience with either design, I have an Aqua-C, but will probably buy a MR-6R from Andy @ MRC.

From the post Ive read, both designs are very good skimmers, and each have their drawbacks/advantages.


I had Aqua C, H&S, Euro Reef with Sedra, Euro Reef with RD pump....

The only skimmer I have now is Bubble King and it is the best skimmer in the market for large and extra large tanks IMO.
At 1,000 gallons the best NW skimmer you can get in your price range is the H&S A300 3x1260 which is about $2,200 (the equivalent Deltec is over $1K more). I think it would be adequate but I think Sidewinder's recommendation is probably a better option. The H&S ~ 2,700LPH and I think the Barr beats it. You might also inquire about some of the H&S in-sump models, maybe there is a 4x1260 in your price range.
marinelife has a etts for sale in the for sale fourm.its 62inches tall and its a commerical one for 650 with out a pump.but will handle over 1600 gallons

he is in my reef club
Using a tower with a tremendous internal surface area provided by bioballs, it was possible to split a single water stream into thousands, each providing an extraordinarily large air-gas exchange area, ideal for foam fractionation and high gas exchange. Info.htm

I have an extra set I am selling with mine