Big Thanks


New member
i wanted to write a little thank you to both John and Steffen for showing up to my house this past friday to help with my tank. i was at an area meeting with no phone service. my wife called my boss who did have service and let me know that the tank was malfunctioning. she then called steffen and john who didn't hessitate to show up and correct everything.
my float switch had got stuck, and dumped all my kalk water into my tank. so far, i have had no casualties. i owe you both a bunch.

i wont tell you all that they did, or else everyone would be having tank mishaps every weekend. but they jumped in and took care of me, and i really appreciate it!
Yeah I heard Justin. That Is the great thing about this club, is that you can count on some members for help. I am glad there were no casualties. That would have been a great big bummer. Also glad you had Steff there to do damage control. He is probably the one that I could count on to assess and perform damage control with out panicking.


Glad to hear things turned out O.K. I had something similar happen before but was able to catch it right away.
We should start each meeting by saying, "My name is __________, and I am a reefoholic. It has been 5 minutes since the last time I messed around with my tank."

Just saying

^ +1! I hope the Phx club has as many great members as this one has. That is what I will miss the most, the unity of this club. We may not see eye to eye on topics, however we dont look past the bigger picture--set our ego's aside. That is what I like about the members here, hardly any ego's. Just great, friendly members. its like a big happy dysfunctional familia!!!!:beer: