Biggest Reviewer Offer EVER!!


New member
We are offering one member of Reef Central the chance to own the new GHL ProfiLux Reefers pack at a huge price reduction in return to provide a detailed set up guide and review as they get to know the system and expand on it.

We hope this will go well with the other great reviews that are being put on this forum.

The system comprises of

GHL ProfiLux 3EX
2 x Digital PAB power bars
1 x pH probe
1 x GHL Temp Probe
1 x GHL Redox Probe
1 x GHL Salinity probe
1 x Level sensor kit (float)
1 x calibration kit.

The lucky reviewer will be able to expand on the sytem as they choose for a 6 month period after this at reduction also providing the accessories are to be reviewed.

If you are interested and would like more info on this one time only review offer on Reef Central (others will be run on other forums) please email us at

(Please note we are NOT giving this away the kit is very comprehensive)
This is an awesome opportunity for somebody to own the best and most reliable controller on the market. Great offer Michael!
This is a new review, more the merrier and of course we have some nice incentives for everyone that wants to write reviews as we have mentioned before.
Maybe someday you can have a reviewer who is not tech savy do a review, but then again he will be asking too many question. This is Me did a great job on his review.

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