Bio Spira for QT tank


I am setting up a 10g QT tank and have the salinity and temp stable. I have a HOB filter with sponge running and a powerhead. I added the Bio Spira to the tank. Will this cause an ammonia spike on its own without any live rock or sand? Or will I have to dose ammonia to kick the cycle off? How Can I tell if the bio Spira has cycled the tank? I've only ever cycled the teadional way and am looking to expedite by using this method. Any help is appreciated!
Bio Spira will add nitrfying bacteria, but you need to keep dosing small amounts daily for a week or so. Eventually the bacteria will seed your sponge and then begin to propagate themselves. You should add a fish or two to help the process along (fish poop). Use an ammonia alert badge for active monitoring, and be prepared to do water changes to bring the ammonia down until the bacteria stabilize.
With any bacterial solution you do need some sort of ammonia to keep it alive. Either by doing some ghost feedings, ammonia from dr. tims, shrimp from the groceries store etc.