biocube zoos


New member
Anyone else keep zoos in a stock biocube??? If so do they thrive??

In my 14gal biocube my zoos do not do so well idk if its a problum with my tank or the pc lighting of a biocube.
Any experince would be nice, please let me know because if its just my tank id love to correct the problums.

I have one frag that does well they are a dark red zoo, everthing elses seems to open half way and not get that "flethery" look on the perimiter of the zoo...

Pics would be nice, I will also try to post some tomrow so u guys could maybe help if its a problum in my tank.

Thanks matt(forgive spelling)
well i have astock nano cube, so prettymuch the same, and they do well, but ive never known anything else, so idk in that respect. im sure they be better under MH but thats is given. what kind of lighting is in a biocube? i wouldnt think much different from the nanocube