Birdsnest coral growing but bleached


New member
I have a green birdsnest coral (seriatopora guttatus) that is growing slowly but everywhere except for the polyps which are still bright green is bleached. Its remained this way for 9 months now. Ive tried placing it all over and nothing seems to make a difference. Whenever i test my water parameters they are in range.

Any tips how to get the coral to colour up a bit ?
this coral doesn't need much light. It will lighten up when it gets too much light
I have it placed half way up inthe tank same height as my blastomussa where the blastomussa is in the center and the birdsnest is off to side. So im not sure if it is getting to much light or not.

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My understanding birdnest require absolute good circulation in display tank and good water condition. I also use Zeovit SPG which specific for birdnest grow and coloration. If with good take care, only algae sometime beat them since it is hard to clean even your cleaner crews.
Good luck!
Undetectable according to test kits but i doubt it as i get algae in the tank and on the ats. Its not excessive though

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That'll do it. Try dosing KNO3 and feeding more to get your nitrates at least above 2ppm, if not between 5-10ppm.
That'll do it. Try dosing KNO3 and feeding more to get your nitrates at least above 2ppm, if not between 5-10ppm.
Im going to try taking out, the gfo and carbon. With an Algae turf scrubber running now hopefully i shouldnt get to much algae in the display.

How do you keep the elevated nitrate levels up while avoiding nuissance algae ?

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