Birdsnest placement question in Fluval Edge 6G


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Hello, I have birdsnest corals in my Fluval Edge 6G tank. I have a hard time to keep it healthy. I'm a relatively newbie and don't know what to do.

I had palm sized one and broke to 3 pieces to see how they're doing in different places. As you can see in the photo. I put them in 1, 2, 3 places. All looks pale.

1: on left rock, right below Koralia 240gph powerhead
2: on right rock
3: on sad bed (least flow I guess)

I just want to ask here some advice which place will be the best. If you can suggest good possible places with reference in the photo, it would be great.

Currently I have one powerhead and one HOB. 7 3W Cree LED (6 royal blue, 2 cool white, and 1 warm white in the hood).

1 clown fish, 1 goby and 1 pistal shrimp
2 hermit crabs and 1 trochus snail
Several corals

Water parameter:
Salinity 1.026, Ca 400, 10 kdH, Ph between 8-9 (I don't have accurate test kit).
I don't measure other parameters.



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Looks like a majority of your light is right in the middle, so I'd say somewhere in the middle where it's not being hit with direct waterflow from that powerhead.
Thanks Cruiznblue.
Fluval edge has a very small opening so that it's hard to spread lights. I thought birdsnest needs good flow and light so I put it on the rocks close to the center. The central sandbed has direct flow from HOB filter too. Maybe just my tank isn't right for it. Thanks for the reply.

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Growing SPS in a 6G is always going to be a challenge of course, but you can probably make it work if you're dedicated to good husbandry.

I second what kevin_e said, you need intermittent flow that mimics the more random nature of the ocean's waves. Birdsnest corals like lots of flow in my experience so I wouldn't be worried about giving them too much. Mine get blasted by about 3500GPH+ and don't mind in the least. But it is random flow produced by an mp40, not constant flow like from a Koralia.

When corals turn pale it normally means they are getting too much light but I'm not sure if that's the exact problem or not. You may just have to observe the different locations and note which frag seems to be doing best. IME, a lot of SPS reefing skills are trial-and-error driven.

My ultimate recommendation would be to get a larger tank as you are a beginner. Small tanks are cheaper in some ways, but they are much difficult in terms of maintaining proper water quality. This is especially true if you want to keep SPS. Best of luck to you!
Birdsnest placement question in Fluval Edge 6G

Thanks for your inputs. Since I can't have a space for a bigger tank I need to stick with this one for a while. I will try some different places to find a best flow and lights.

Yesterday I bought a nitrate test kit and it seems like it's high (30 ppm). I think that's because of recent failure of HOB but it could be alway like that and be the reason that all birdsnests frags are not happy. I'm now reducing feeding and planing to do more often water change (twice in a week).

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I was wondering if this light would be strong enough??? also how new is the tank? A birdsnest is a easier sps but I would not say beginner. And like said above, will be harder in a small tank. You can try moving it towards the middle, that might help.
Thanks for your inputs. Since I can't have a space for a bigger tank I need to stick with this one for a while. I will try some different places to find a best flow and lights.

Yesterday I bought a nitrate test kit and it seems like it's high (30 ppm). I think that's because of recent failure of HOB but it could be alway like that and be the reason that all birdsnests frags are not happy. I'm now reducing feeding and planing to do more often water change (twice in a week).

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Yeah generally speaking most aquarists shoot for less than 5ppm nitrates. Birdsnest corals are kinda interesting when it comes to lighting. Some need really strong lights to maintain their best color but others actually don't like too much light. But they almost all seem to like very strong, random flow.
My tank was started from April so it is fairly new.
I got the frags from a local reefer. She was using T5 I think. I acclimated it during 1-2 weeks starting from far corner to the current place.

My leds are all in the center so I think the light is not that weak. I worry rather my light might be too strong. I attached a picture. The mr16s are now removed.


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