BK SM 200 overflowing


New member
I need some help setting my SM 200. I have tried everything I think.?

I have the tube wide open and have moved the nozzle everwhere I can think.
It is in a constant 9" of water. If i close the tube at all it overflows and will fill the cup within an hour. Very weak tea color. It has been running 3 weeks now so i believe it should be broken in.

The only thing I can think would help is to lower the water level to 8".

Suggestions please!!
Try lowering the water level to 8". Also, make one adjustment, then don't touch it again for 24 hours. Give it plenty of time to dial in to the adjustment you make before doing another.

I think going to the 8" will make a huge difference for you.
no additives or anything. I got it to work fairly good, but the nozzle is barely open. not even the 1/4 turn to line up the dots.
Raise the skimmer up some. If you can only open the nozzle 1/4 turn, and anymore causes it to overflow, and the wedge pipe is fully open, the skimmer is sitting too deep in the sump.


I raised the skimmer up. Sitting in 8"of water now.

The dots lined up on the nozzle and the tube about 50%.

When I first got the skimmer I was not very impressed. Thought just some more hype. Same wet skimming light tea colored skim as my old skimmer.

I have been tweaking it for 3 to 4 weeks now and finally have the black stinky nog. I am impressed:bounce3: