Black Sand


New member
Does anybody here use black sand? I've seen a few pictures of it and I like the look. I've never seen a tank with it in person though. What are your opinions on the look and other factors.


Eddie Ed
I won't be doing it in my tank just because I'm going for a different look. I've seen it in a tank recently and I thought it looked pretty good. All of the colors in the corals popped more than they would if the sand was white IMO. Some of the fish too.

Here is a pic of his tank.

I had a tank with it for a while. I really liked the look and it did make the corals stick out, but it required more attention in cleaning because any detrius tended to show more.
Loved it in my 18g... ditto on the detritus... vaccuum parts of the sand during water changes, but never more than a third per change. Also, possibly double the amount of light you think you'll need, black absorbs where white reflects. I ran 2 x 96w power compact quads and it was my favorite tank of all time. I had a great 65g full of stonies and lush growth, but it was always the 18 gallon that got the wows. Lots of people here saw that tank.
Some other considerations is some are "non-buffering" and I've read that it is slightly magnetic. I do remember particles sticking to my mag cleaner if I got close to the sand. I had the tahitian moon sand (I think it had easter island figures on the outside packaging)
Does not buffer the water like normal white sand, detritus stands out more and grain size is more limited. Other than that its all personal preference.
Does not buffer the water like normal white sand, detritus stands out more and grain size is more limited. Other than that its all personal preference.

Sand won't buffer a tank unless pH drops low enough for it to dissolve (7.5 I believe). Testing (and dosing) alk will buffer a tank.
I have it in a 29g biocube. Only suggestion is to keep good flow cause you see all the detritus as stated above.