Black spots on green montipora cap


Premium Member
Recently I've noticed a lot of black spots in the under and the upside of my green monti cap. The color could be better, but it is still growing and encrusting I believe. the black spots seem to be moving as well, they are around 1mm in size. Should I remove the monti and dip it with TMPCC? odd thing is my red cap right next to it has no black spots.
Are they black bugs? A couple people in my local club have found tiny black bugs on their Idaho Grapes, but they seemed to stick only to that coral and not spread to digi or caps.
Do they look like this?
i would say they look very similar. sorry my macro capabilities suck with my current camera. they are like little black worms. are they doing damage to your idaho?
I don't have them on mine. The person that posted about them in my local club said that they noticed the color of the coral was faded a bit and the polyps weren't extending like normal. I posted a link to this thread so maybe they'll come here and say give you a little more info.
It was my Idaho grape pic that he posted. It is monti cap specific and doesn't harm any other coral. They never did a lot of damage to my corals because once I see them I get rid of them with a betadine bath at 3ml per liter.

Here is a picture of the eggs underneath.
my colors definitely aren't great. it has already encrusted and i would hate to remove it...any other options? do they die eventually?
You could use interceptor on your whole tank, but then you will lose inverts. So the only real option is to pull or let your corals die.
okay, i'm currently treating it with tropic marin pro coral cure. the only problem is, its impossible to reach all of them. i cannot find a good way to detach the frags from the rock as it breaks into very small pieces. my question is, if a few are left, will they multiply again and harrass the coral?
i have also noticed some black spots on the left side of my red cap. definitely came from the green cap, seems to be spreading.
After a 15 minute Tropic Marin Pro Coral Cure dip, around 90% of the black bugs seems to have detached. Some are still struggling in the water, some are still moving on the cap, most are dead floating.