Black spots showing up on rocks and part of GSP?


They have been progressively spreading. I thought it might be too much light, so I turned off half of my t5 for a couple days to see if it goes away. But I am not sure what it is! I never heard of rocks getting burned. But a part of my GSP is turning black too, however it still has green hands coming out.

Also, I was curious if you think this Birdsnest is dead.. Most of it is gray, but after 3-4 weeks, this part is still green.





At first it looked like Cyanobacteria but the black color must be some other form of bacteria. Can you siphon it out or scrap it off?
Update: At a closer look, it has a purple hint to it. Also, I did rub it a bit and some came off, but the rocks it is impossible to get much off. I massaged the GSP and got most of it off though.

Any idea what this moldy like substance is? It feels like wet nori
the last pic looks like a sponge, but in the first pic your rocks look real fresh and could just be going thru the stages of becoming established live rock