I am at a major stump right now, all of a sudden in the past month I have had several corals die and more are bleaching. I have been in the hobby for 10 years and several thousands of dollars in equipment. If you name it I bet I have it. But this has me baffled. I have a 120 gal tank with a 75 gallon sump and a 29 gallon ref all tie together in a loop system. My lights are MH 250 watt, my perameters are as follows cal 440, alk 8.6, mag 1250, sal 34.9. Not sure of what more I need to pass right now please ask questions. Thanks for any help you might have. By the way I have a Apex DOS pump that does 3 gallons of water change everyday and once a month I do a 20 gallon water change too as per Neptune's recommendation.