bleaching birdnest


New member
yesterday i noticed a white area in the middle of my birdnest coral. I had recently moved it and thought it was just the part that had been in the shade but this morning i see that it is definately bleaching. Whipped out all the water test kits (which i must admit i havent used in quite a while) tested ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and ph. Everything appears to be great as far as those things. Checked saltiness and temp. What else should I check? Only thing different lately that I can think of is the addition of some new corals from the frag swap. One being a sacrophyton. It is not close to the birdnest. I have noticed that the gsp next to the sacrophyton has been closed up for over a week now. Could that be the problem. Everything else is looking pretty good.
Sarc's can be bad boys as far as chemical warfare is concerned! Are you running Carbon?

First thing I would do is do a water change and run carbon to help filter. But I am certainly no "expert" on that subject!! Look at it closely with a magnifying glass for something attacking it as well.

Good luck with it and keep us posted!!
Thanks guys, I was not running carbon but had some on hand so I tossed a bag in this morning. Hope it helps.
Over the years I have experienced birdsnest corals bleaching for no apparent reason. Those of you who have seen my tank know that I too have a couple sarcos (I have a serious mixed reef) that have been there the whole time. The first time it happened was three years ago, I went out of town for a long weekend and came home to find my rather large pink birdsnest totally white. I couldn't figure out what had happened. I got another one at the next frag swap and about six months ago (that coral had been in my system about 1-1/2 - 2 years) the same thing happened...I also had similar experience with a green one I've had for four or five years.

In my experience the corals always bleach from the base which is probably what you are referring to as the "middle". When this has happened, I have found the only way to save the coral is to frag off the live "tips" of the coral ABOVE the bleaching. It seems if there is any of the bleached area on the new frag it will continue to bleach up the new frag.

I don't know what causes this but though it seems to happen for no reason...all parameters in line, no temp spikes, coral wasn't moved or fragged, etc...I'm sure there is a trigger. Why the birdsnest are more prone to it...I don't know. Why I can have a coral for years and suddenly it begins to bleach...I wish I knew! I run carbon to help with the chemical warfare but I'll tell you I highly doubt it is going to stop the bleaching at this point. I just wanted to let you know you are not the only one to experience this. If someone has the definitive answer, I'd love to hear it. Hopefully you will be able to save at least a few frags of the coral.

Good luck!
+1 on the fragging pieces off the tip that are still showing good coloration.

Dave at Kermits gave me that advice long ago in that it is much better to save any of a colony that you can rather than lose all of it!!
I just moved my birdsnet recently. It went from directly under the halide to middle right of the tank and it turned bright pink within a week. No idea why.. but I'm keeping an eye on it. I have a 50G tank with a 250watt 14K halide hanging 12 inches from the water line for reference.
well, the birdsnest is totally bleached and my yellow fiji leather is looking like the next casualty. Did a big water change the minute I got home from work. And guess I ought to do another this weekend. A few of the other corals are looking a little queasy too but hopefully with some attention things will calm down.
Looks like things have finally calmed down. Did another water change and trimmed some stuff from my purple acropora that was starting to bleach. I cant believe my yellow leather is actually going to make it. It shed a whole bunch of icky brown stuff yesterday morning and by afternoon it was starting to look like itself again. Also noticed a few small spots on the birdnest with color left so Im going to leave it in the tank for a bit to see what happens. I am pretty sure that the problem was the sacrophyton.
Just wanted to let everyone know that everything has finally settled down and is back to normal in my tank. Thanks for all the advice.