Blenny Blues - Please Help


New member
Hello TBRC - I have been meaning to introduce myself for awhile here, I have been lurking for awhile but haven't had time to post much about my system. It is a BioCube 29, filter wall chopped out and drilled, sumped w/ NAC 3.5 skimmer, DIY LED. Been up for a year - small acan garden, most of the good monti's and some sticks. I'll get around to a proper thread about it soon.

I am having an issue and need to lean on the braintrust. I bought a Tail-Spot Blenny about 2 months ago from Marine Warehouse - he came in skinny but has fattened up quickly - very active, one of my favorite fish. Until he developed a taste for my mind trick. It has been a spot here and a spot there, and the coral has been recovering and still growing - now i come home this afternoon and the JMT is looking super rough, like he has been working over the whole surface of it all day. I tied to feed and scoop him in the net to no avail, he finally went into his home on my big pillar so i was forced to pull it out... what a pain. I now have him trapped in a swiss cheese'd plastic container I made a few years ago to seperate aggressive clowns. One of my dream fish when I was restarting my system was the Red Sea mimic blenny - since I was unable to get one of those I went for this similar species but now this. FWIW Emmett warned me this would happen.

If anyone has any suggestions for how I might curb this behavior, please share. Otherwise, if you are looking for an active healthy blenny, I will (reluctantly) rehome him. I paid 30$ for this little guy, make an offer I'm not so much concerned about money as much as trying to find him a good home away from my JMT colony.

Also, I would like to clear my frag rack - I have 1 small mind trick frag, 2 over-encrusted mystic sunset monti frags, single polyp orange maul, 2 polyp big green paly frag, and a nice garf bonsai frag. I'd prefer to trade for acro, acan or chalice frags, but if you don't have anything like this we can work something out.
Welcome...not to change the subject but I would like to at some point discuss with you the mods to your biocube as I have only seened this type of setup once. Anyway I'll post once you start that thread. Good luck with your fish.