Blood Shrimp issue


New member
Hello everyone. I am in a bit of an issue at the moment. A couple of minutes ago I was trying to glue down a coral, and my Blood Shrimp got angry for some reason and attacked my hand and my coral. It proceded to try to play with the glue and glued both its pincer's shut. Is there anything I can do to help him? What is going to happen?
It'll molt, just make sure it gets some food. Cut shrimp, The skin under the shell is a good source of iodine that could help.
Not sure about fire shrimp but I accidentally broke both claws off of my coral banded shrimp and new ones were fully formed in 3 weeks.
Not sure about fire shrimp but I accidentally broke both claws off of my coral banded shrimp and new ones were fully formed in 3 weeks.

I cut off one of the claws of my coral banded shrimp with a gravel siphon (!) It grew back completely in a couple of weeks after it molted. Poor guy.

All Arthropods (insects, crustaceans, arachnids, etc.) grow their limbs back.