blue hornet help please


Lil baby sand shark
I have 5 polyps of blue hornets and they are not looking to good. It looks like they have eccess skin coming off of their trunks. If they where just plane old eagle eyes, i would have given them a 1/4 peroxide to tank water dip for a few minutes but i dont want them to melt or get any worse than they already are. Here's a pic.:worried2:
Hard to say what is happening, I have had zoa's that will do that and stay closed for awhile then open back up then sometimes they dont open back up and slowly just melt away. take a turkey baster and see if you can gentle blow the loose stuff off, may just be mucous and dirt. Good luck.
Can be so many things..
Could be nothing. Sometimes zoas close for a while for many different reasons...
You'll need to begin writing everything about your system and any recent new changes, additives, water params, etc, so we could perhaps have an idea of what to look for.
Maybe a better picture would also help...

All parameters are on point. I did switch the lights out from a full spectrum d120 to a rapid led kit led. There are 5 polyps that have been attached to the plug for quit some time.
O yeh, they are still opening fine, just looks like fungus or something on them. I may just do a fresh water dip for a minute or so.