Blue Line 100 water pump


New member
I have a blue line 100 water pump. The pump is in the basement. water head is about 18ft. Hooked up to 350 gal reef tank about 18 ft up and 75 gal refugium next to pump in basement. It has started running for 15 to 20 min and shutting down from over heating. Has anyone else had a problem with this model pump? Any advise on how to correct the overheating problem? I have ordered another pump but wont be in for 4 to 5 days. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I used to have the same pump and it was loud and you couldn't even touch the motor it was so hot. So I got rid of it and got a reeflo
if you pull the front off the pump, you will see a magnetic coupler.
see if you can spin it by hand.
if not, then you might have a bearing seizing up. if it spins freely... then you might have too much restriction. make sure nothing is clogged and when it enters the tank, does it go to penducters or is it wide open?

pressure pumps are great for penductors, but when your pushing that much head pressure, the added backpressure might be too much.