"blueberry gorgonian" hows it doing??


Active member
ok at the frag swap we sold alot of these.
these things are supposed to be difficult to keep but in both my tank and the store tank they are growing ( slowly)

so i wanted to find out how is everyones gorgonian doing?

from what i learned recently these are supposed to just slowly waste away even when people try hard ( see post in non photosynthetic coral fourm)

so wanted to see if all of yours are doing ok. or if we are just very very very lucky lol
I've tried hard and mine wasted away (I didn't get it from you, sorry. I got mine a long time ago from someone who was even less equipped for keeping them around)

If you're having success with them, could you divulge some info as to how you're keeping them (tank, filtration, feeding)?

lol thats the thing.. the tank that it is showing growth in. ( mother colony) i HATE
it is under skimmed and uses a wetdry filter..
has minimal LR
and med -low flow
med - low light ( 20 k halides)

very rare food input

i know the lack of a properly adjusted skimmer aids with this coral i bet.

tank at home..

low flow. low light ( where coral was found)
the coral fell down awhile back and i forgot to get it.. well now amonth later i pulled it out of the sediment. ( frag tank. has a lot of sediment on the bottom of the tank.. 1/2 inch in some places... no filter at all as this is a zoa ric tank..
well i pulled it out of the muck and it looks to have grown close to an inch ( this was only 1 icnh to start out with)
no one got one specificaly from us.. i wonder there is somthing different about these.

we got teh mother about a month and ahalf ( i think) before the swap.

out of 17 or so frags im sure they didnt all go to ppl who dont visit this fourm lol
You should test the water in the "dirty" tanks to see if there is any nitrate, ammonia, or phosphate. They may enjoy higher levels of that, the kind that accumulate when you let detritus accumulate on the bottom of the tank. How often do you do water changes? Do you use natural water, or synthetic water?

out of 17 or so frags im sure they didnt all go to ppl who dont visit this fourm lol

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case, as people who do their research in our community here should know how difficult it is to keep them alive, so they know better than to buy them. Nothing personal to you or your store, but selling corals like that that traditionally need very difficult to reproduce conditions is kind of irresponsible, and on ReefCentral I imagine that we take pride in teaching others in our community the importance of responsibility and not jumping into something that they are not prepared to handle or take care of. So in short, I'm not surprised that frequenters to ReefCentral didn't buy those non-photosynthetic gorgonians.
we avoid those corals as much as possiable and ( at least i) always tell people when somthing is most likely going to die
infact if any oneon here asked about them you know at the show i told people straight up that ' they are hard to keep and need additional food and strong laminer flow'

if some one just wants somthing pretty thats dumb. if some one wants to give somthing a shot and learn thats different. at one time all corals were hard to keep.

water changes on the tanks
store tank . rare unless you count having to top off with salt water to make up for water lost to bagging corals ( works out to maybe 5 gallons every few days)
home tank. same thing ( recieves old water from the sps tank) not often
Po4 bellow one on home tank
ammonia undetectiable
nitrate 10

this tank uses chaeto ( large balls under the egg crate) for export

btw i knew i sohuld of said the whole TOLD PPL thing in the first post
once my new RIC and shroom tank is up and running im planning toattempt propagation of these so called "NPS" along with tunicates . should be intresting. and am definilty going to document it :)
Thanks for listing the params. Sounds like whatever you're doing is working. Pretty awesome.

Thanks for not getting mad as well. I know I was a bit brass with my response.

I'm really interested to see how these NPS and tunicates work out. I wonder what the secret is....
oh and to awnser your other question

both lol natrual sea water at work
and artificial at home ( thank you big als salt sale lol)

yeah wasnt going to get mad. i expected it and alot of times agree hard to keep thigns are fine as long as they go to the right person.

what depresses me is that the whole saler got a bunch of those in at the time... we only took ONE .... the rest probobly got added to some new guys tank who had no clue or warning.

anyways hopfully this is sucsessfull.. my tank is almost ready to be transfered to the new 4 ft by 7 ft tank. opening up the 140 tub for te nps.

this is the best part of the hobby. tweeking things. i hate looking at a tank thats doing hte same thing over and over.. i wanna try somthing new.. ( suger dosing. oj dosing you name it i wanna try it )
btw here is mine red lines show new growth points.
mine dosnt have many polyps ( it was kinda one of the reject frags taht got realllllllllyyyyyyyy p/o'ed after being fragged) lets see if i can get this back to full glory :)


btw new frag tank
thanks for the idea john
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Mine is doing just fine! And it's one of my favorites that I picked up at the swap. I bought it because it was beautiful and I have other gorgonians in my tank that are doing well.



I still have the plug on it since I wasn't sure where I wanted it in the tank. But I guess it's happy where it is for now!!!
I have 2 I got from the swap and they seem to be doing fine although I really haven't noticed much growth. I'll try to get a picture in the next few days.