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We are back and better than ever for 2017!
Same place (Tukwila), Same Weekend (February 18th - President's Day Weekend)
After reviewing everyone's comments and feedback from our 2016 event, note we are implementing a few changes:
The event is starting later, at 1PM with early entry for those who buy their tickets online at 12:30 PM. That way you get in just after lunch and can be home in time for dinner!
We are expanding and putting more thought and organization into the swap area; this area will be larger, more dedicated and will be your place to bring corals and make trades as needed. Tanks will be setup if needed, but we also encourage you all to "cooler swap".
With the expanded swap area, there is no longer a need to offer Hobbyist tables. If you want to have a table all to yourself to sell your frags at, then sign up as a Vendor! You do not need a business license to be a Vendor, anyone who wants a full table to setup their own frag tank on can purchase a Vendor table for $100 for they day.
The Wet Frag Raffle is going to take less time; rather than reading off ticket numbers endlessly to give away these frags, they will be given away on a first come first served basis. When you arrive, if you have purchased a frag ticket you will get your ticket to use to redeem for a frag at our club frag table. Additional tickets for more frags will be for sale at the event if you see more than 1 frag you need to take home for $5 each.
And now on to the Bob Moore Lore...
The Bob Moore Frag Swap originated in 2009, in memory of the Puget Sound area legend Bob Moore who was always known for his generosity and unwavering support of the reefkeeping community. From 2009 through 2015, the Bob Moore Frag Swap was operated by the Puget Sound Aquarium Society (PSAS) as a membership event showcasing speakers, vendors and hobbyists through a frag swap and raffle fundraiser event each February.
It has been told that Bob was the most generous reefer one could hope to meet, he never asked for anything for himself when sharing his coral, only that you paid it forward to another reefer. This event continues to live on supporting the pay it forward mantra.
The Bob Moore Frag Swap is a large scale frag swap event that boasts 300+ attendees annually to remind us that reefkeeping is a small community of like-minded hobbyists through which the hobby is best enhanced and expanded through small exchanges of hobby kindness.
Now it in its 9th year, the Spokane Coeur d Alene Reef Society, a 501(c)7 social non-profit organization ( based in Spokane, Washington is once again hosting this annual event.
All proceeds from table, entry, and raffle sales go towards the costs of hosting the event and the ongoing efforts of the SPCDA in the region through club related social activities.
Have a question, concern, general note? You can contact us directly at or call Joanne, the swap coordinator at 425-644-3778.
Lastly, join our Facebook Group for up to the minute updates on sponsors, vendors, the event, and more.