Bob's 93 Gallon Cube Build

Dabob, I have been looking into the R-100 but everyone says the return pump section is small and I cant find dimensions on Eshopps website.. any chance you could measure that for me? thank you sir!!
Nice looking setup.

I've got a 60g cube, using the same sump. I'm going to be converting the corner-flo to a Herbie style next week, when the plumbing parts get here. It's a little noisy. Aside from that, I'm pretty happy with it so far.
Dabob, I have been looking into the R-100 but everyone says the return pump section is small and I cant find dimensions on Eshopps website.. any chance you could measure that for me? thank you sir!!

I have the same sump... 3.5" x 9.5" ID, and there is a mounted float valve taking up a little space within those confines.

I'm using a cheap 4000DCT Chinese return pump, it fits... barely. If I were wanting more flow, I'd probably drill the sump, install a bulkhead, and use an external pump. May do that anyway, some day.

I like the sump, but the return compartment is a little tight.

EShoppes responds to questions pretty quickly...
I've got a Jebao DC9000 and it fits, and it's WAY more pump than than what you need for anything under 100 gallons. I yanked that float valve out too lol
So the Apex is programmed and running smoothly, dry rock and sand are in and we're deep into the cycle! Ordering some live rock from Tampa Bay Saltwater this week!



Great tank ! I love cubes and I find they are sometimes overlooked. Looking forward to see some updates after the cycle :)
Great tank ! I love cubes and I find they are sometimes overlooked. Looking forward to see some updates after the cycle :)

Yes, it definitely isn't what I was looking for when I went to my LFS but I'm glad they pointed it out to me!
So without further ado, my live rock from Tampa Bay Saltwater!



And the critters!





The life on this rock is amazing!



A good comparison of my dry rock next to the new live rock, and the two beautiful nems Richard sent me!!


And a little sand and a couple small rocks in the fuge...


Haven't seen any ammonia since everything went in on Monday, but Nitrites are slightly elevated and Nitrates are pretty high, so I'll be doing a water change tonight. Everything still looks happy and healthy and I don't see any unwanted pests. I did get a couple nice stone crabs and a few small emeralds though!
New pics!! Added a couple new corals and a diamond spot goby. LOVE the way the sand bed looks with him in there doing his thing lol

First a couple full tank shots...




New zoo frag and a photo bomb from the goby lol...


A couple close-ups of the LR in the fuge, love the life on this stuff!!


Anybody know what this guy is right in the middle of that rock, circled by pink? He moves around a lot...


And one more pretty close-up...


Yes, that's a chiton.

I love cubes! The tank and rock looks great.

On the other hand, sponges and gorgonians shouldn't be introduced to such a new tank. I think six months is a good minimum. And those sponges prefer shady areas. Maybe better to add a few hardy fishes and snails while the tank cycles and matures.

I'd suggest you do some studying up on all the organisms you plan to keep in your tank and then formulate a plan. I hope this helps. Best of luck to you!