BOD AIM Meeting needed


New member
Attention new BOD! How are you all doing? It's that time again and we should all get together for a meeting to discuss the swap, new business, and future event calander.

I am available this weekend through next weekend any evening.

I hope we can get together this Saturday at lets say 8pm, let me know if this works for you.

My AIM screen name is rickyfinsaquatic

Please post your AIM screen name or pm me with it so I can add you to my buddy list.


If you are curious who is on the new BOD here is the list from the election from the last swap.

Rick Pucciarella President(rickyfins)
Ron Hoover V.P.(sixpackrt)
Brad Kindig V.P. of Public Affairs(BMKindig)
Dan Rigle Secretary(rigleautomotive)
Mary Miller Treasurer(lawmary)
Vickie Clements At Large Director(cinnamongirl)
Michelle Lemech At Large Director(poconofishy)
Hi Rick, My AIM name is lawmary, but unfortunately I will be away this weekend for Labor Day and I don't know if I will have internet there.

I am available for an AIM meeting any weeknight at 9PM.


Mary Miller
i can't guarentee anything at this point, my schedule is very rough right now. bubba turns 16 this weekend and we have birthday plans this weekend. as of this mounent i'm free wed, sat,sun after 7-8 and fri anytime usless i have to cover at work.