Bolo/FYI. Ruby red dragonettes.


New member
Just letting you know that they have ruby red dragonette at all fish emporiun. I just picked up 3 for myself they are only $23.99. These guys are pretty new and rare in the hobby from what I know. Here's a pic from the internet for those of you that don't know what they look like.

Holy crap. I think I fell in love. That is a beautiful fish. I wish I lived more south to be able to get this guy.
Wish I was close to there. Was waiting on a pair that was supposed to be on Divers Den and they were $229! Needless to say, I passed on them. Lol
Just letting you know that they have ruby red dragonette at all fish emporiun. I just picked up 3 for myself they are only $23.99. These guys are pretty new and rare in the hobby from what I know. Here's a pic from the internet for those of you that don't know what they look like.


Did u get one male and 2 females? Do they get along? I always thought dragonettes were territorial?
Ive heard they are pretty hardy, but ive never had any before. As long as you have established liverock you should be good to go.
i got one from all fish, half that price cause the guy scanned the wrong blenny in. Either way he ate cyclops right away and did well in my 5 gallon until i had to try to separate a damsel and my blue spotted jaw fish :(
I've had two for about two weeks. They readily ate live brine. Today I think i saw one of them eat flakes. I havent seen the two together since getting out of my acclimation chamber. However they have a lot of square footage between them.
I got mine 2 months ago from something fishy they are really nice fish

you can get more info at reef site

Ocean view has them also
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I absolutely love this fish. The bright red color. If i had the food supply for it, i'd get one in a heart beat. They are so beautiful. Im jealous of those who have one!
Nice! It looks to me like the one on the left is a male and the others could be females. Hard to tell for sure though.