Bord want to see some full tank shot's

fatman.....what kind of blue hippo is that?

I have seen africans that get a yellow belly and red on the top side...wheres tyhat critter from?


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9133290#post9133290 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Miamireefer
fatman.....what kind of blue hippo is that?

I have seen africans that get a yellow belly and red on the top side...wheres tyhat critter from?



Umm the store I got him from said regular hippo tang, so not sure. She's defintely now a yellow belly though.
My new acro tank will be up soon, but for now this is what I am working with.




Its an 18g via aqua tank. The stand and canopy were make by LUDWIG aka Chris( I bought this whole setup from him). It has 2x96w 50/50 coralife pc's. A little HOB filter and 2 little rio 50's and thats it. I do weekly water changes of about 2.5g and the corals seem to like it because there growing. It has shrooms/zoanthids/xenia. The lights are about to go and at the price of $50+ each light I can almost buy a new fixture with bulbs for that so the tank will be coming down once my new tank is up and running. Thanks for looking.

Here are some pics from about a month ago, the tank has had a mini growth spurt since then and I also added some larger SPS mini colonies I bought browned out at a LFS, they are finally beginning to color up my tank, and polyp extension has gone from non-existant to impressive.

The cube is gonna look great Manny! Where did you find those eductors? Do you think they make a difference? How much flow are going through those?
thanks reefwreak

guys dont pay no atention to the hood is just to get and idea on how is going to be

reefwreak the eductors do make lots off difrens i tink pat from reef live have them i got my from the web
thanks guys ill be chatting all night lol

now Joe's tank is something nice and big

BTW Joe i will need the rock tell me when to pic up