bowfront phots help needed


New member
Hello I have a 92 bowfront corner tank and a 42 bowfront. Has anyone experienced difficulty taking pictures in thes types of tanks? I am having trouble with distorsion. Thanks
Not much you can do about it, any curved glass with distort the image. That's why I'll never own a curved-glass tank :)
If you've got photoshop you might be able to remove the distortion after the fact.

Look under Filters/distort/lens correction.
Ive got a bowfront two
i don't see how i can't take close shot with horizontal angle .. almost impossible...

but but...

i think the bow front can be better in some shot.
With the angle you can put the lense on the glasse, its almost fit and you can take "angle" shot of a coral or what ever you want. compar to flat glasses.

The only trick its to put the lense on the aquarium when you want close shot.

for the a picture of all the aquarium you can do a correction like beerguy said.