I forgot!!!! I hae a 125 AGA with a 55 gal sump that is filled with about 35 gal. of water. I want to do a water change but I just want to know how much would be to much. I had cyano outbreak and i treated my tank with cemi-clean and my whole tank went south with about 65% of coral death, the cyano still there and i dont want to add chemi-clean again so i want to know if doing water change will help. im running carbon and i added 4 MJ1200s. What else?
I have used it in the past with great results and i used the same amount I have always used. I used 7 spoons (the little spoon that comes with it) i dosed 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 in the afternoon, the next morning I woke up to a white tank with all SPS bleached, all my softies, zoos and LPS closed and on the brink of diying, so I did a 40 gal water change and the cyano is still there.