A few days ago it was as full as could be, almost a ball shape. Yesterday, it's shriveled up about half as big as it usually is, and it has multiple eraser tip sized holes all over it. The only things I could imagine doing this would be
A. Our sargassum triggerfish, who we've never seen mess with any of the corals.
B. Our two true percula clownfish who host in it at night, though they are only a little under 2 inches long each.
C. A peppermint shrimp I caught checking it out post injury. He was ontop of it feeling around with his legs, then he swam off.
D. A gigantic emerald crab I talked my parents into buying a few weeks ago. We've already caught him pulling on the rose bubble tip anemone, upsetting the goniopora and pulling at this purple plant looking coral, some sort of leather.
Who's the most likely suspect?
A. Our sargassum triggerfish, who we've never seen mess with any of the corals.
B. Our two true percula clownfish who host in it at night, though they are only a little under 2 inches long each.
C. A peppermint shrimp I caught checking it out post injury. He was ontop of it feeling around with his legs, then he swam off.
D. A gigantic emerald crab I talked my parents into buying a few weeks ago. We've already caught him pulling on the rose bubble tip anemone, upsetting the goniopora and pulling at this purple plant looking coral, some sort of leather.
Who's the most likely suspect?