Brain Coral Questions...


New member

I just got a pretty pink Brain Coral- I like it a lot. I put it near the toip of my Nano Cube (76 watts PC)

I got concerned when I started to notice grey areas on the fringe:


I posted in Newbie forum, and they suggest I move it down in the tank- which I did. But now I am seeing it shrivel up. Here is a picture:


It actually shrinks more than this, too. But the next day, it looked better. By the end of the day, it started to shrivel again.

I feed the tank a pretty good stew of fresh and frozen yummies. I have been spt-feeding this brain (simce I am concerned) Oyster eggs.

Anyway, is this shrinkage normal? What should I be doing?

Yes, the shrinkage is normal. They expand and shrink all the time. Mine shrink at night, when they stay shrunken for more than a week let's say, then there is a problem. I would keep it on the bottom or in the middle of the tank with the kind of lighting you have. Just keep an eye on it
yes they shrink but not to where you can see the skeleton like the second picture. mine shrinks but not that much, and it always opens back up. Is something bothering it? Move it around till it likes it somewhere. Mine will not open fully in high flow areas. Also looks bleached, faded, you may have a problem. I had mine on the sandbed on a 16" tank with 2X55pc and 2x30watt NO flouresant.
I have had them shrink to nothing, skeleton and all and expand in a few days. Sometimes they just do that for a reason unknown, almost all of a sudden-like. Just keep an eye on it and if it starts to recede then it's dying.