brannock_16's 120 gallon reef tank overhaul!

Hello Everyone,

My name is Robert and I have never really done a build thread before so I thought now would be a good time since I am in the midst of a complete top to bottom overhaul of my 120 gallon tank.

There are a myriad of contributing factors that led to this drastic tank overhaul from pests (two different types of bubble agae from hitchiking, bryopsis, hair algae, calerpa that went a-sexual and was ravaging my display tank, aiptasia from hitchiking, and the most dreaded pest of all...BLUE CLOVES!) to a dissapointment in the sand selection and overall aquascape. It came to the point that looking at the tank was no longer pleasurable to me. Instead of seeing the beauty of a reef, I saw problems that need fixed.

Once I finally decided to tear down my existing reef, I "donated" a select few corals to local, trusted reefers with the knowledge that once my tank exhibits stable parameters, ample micro life, and maturity that they will in turn "donate" frags to me. After all the corals were fragged and rehomed, I posted a firesale for all remaining livestock on a local forum. Any coral, fish, clam, etc for $15...the tank was wiped clean in a manner of 35 minutes! Haha. And in the process I made a nice chunk of change to put towards the rebuild. :)

The plan for this tank will be to have the sand bed area homing chalices, prized acans, scolys, elegance coral, and other euphyllia. The base of the rock structure will house the encrusting montis, the mid rock level will consist of tabling acros and the upper level will consist of tighter growing pieces. Select stags and millieporas will fill in the rock work to add visual depth.


Some of the corals that will be "replanted" are:

Tyree Pink Lemonade
Tyree Setosa
Tyree True Undata
Mystic Sunset Monti
Copps Vesuvius Monti
Emma's Jedi Mind Trick Monti
Tyree Sandollar Monti
ORA Red Planet
ORA Bellina
Paletta Blue Acro
Green Slimer Acro
Rogue Millie
Blueberry fields Acro
ATL Red Rim Undata
FF Red Robin Stag
Lime in the Sky
$500 Efflo
Lava Flow chalice
Miami Hurricane chalice
Oregon Mummy Eye chalice
Bubblegum Moster chalice
Elegance Coral

After all the livestock was out of the tank, I drained the tank to remove the sand bed and rock. Then the tank was refilled and topped off with four gallons of muriatic acid. I let this chemical concoction run throughout the system for a week. Then the tank was drained, rinsed, dried, rinsed, dried and is currently sitting in my room.


Since I was never fully happy with my sump due to the need for one on very short notice and the fact that this sump decided to leak from a seal...leading me to completely drain the sump and then reseal it in the factory stand. This was a PIA! Needless to say I designed a new sump with help from online resources that I feel best utilizes the minimal space while providing a moderate amount of additional water volume. From Right to Left - Drain, Skimmer section, baffle, fuge area (will consist of live rock rubble on PVC and homemade stand), bubble trap (consisting of three baffles with overflow style filter teeth), return area. Two reactors will hang from the back of the sump.


Also during this time, I coated the interior of the stand with four coats of Killz anti mildew paint.



Also being implemented in this overhaul will be new dry goods, sand, and rock. I have a GFC outlet being shipped to me, along with a new refractometer and reef safe rock epoxy to ensure aquascape stability. The current equipment list being utilized for this tank is as follows:

Tek 6 bulb T5 light fixture (to be upgraded to ATI 8 bulb T5 fixture)
AGA 120 Gallon tank with dual Megaflow overflows
2 x Vortech MP 40 W ES
1 x Tunze 6045
Reeflo Dart Hybrid pump to supply return to dt as well as reactors from manifold
40 Breeder sump
Vertex 170 Alpha skimmer
2 x Media Reactors (still unsure as to what brand as I was unimpressed with TLF)
Neptune Apex Controller
Bubble Magus Doser to dose ca, alk, mag, and vinegar or vodka (not yet purchased)
60 lbs Tropic Eden Reef Flakes
60 lbs Tropice Eden Mini Reef Flakes
80lbs Tongan Branch Rock (dry)
20 lbs Fijian Base Rock (dry)
Eheim Auto Feeder

Once the tank has cycled I will begin to slowly stock livestock. The CUC will consist primarily of Tongan nassarius snails and conchs. There will also be a couple emerald crabs and blue legged hermits. As far as the intended fish list, I like the look of small active fish that stay in the water column and hunt / feed throughout the day. With that in mind, here is the intended stock:

5 x Ignitus Anthias
3 x Carberryi Anthias
1 Male Flame Wrasse
1 Male Rhomboid Wrasse
Possibly 1-2 Yasha White Ray Shrimp Gobies
Possibly 1-2 Mandarin Gobies (once pod population is established)
1-2 other wrasses (either fairy or flasher)

Do you think this bio load would be appropriate for my tank? Would I be able to add additional fishes down the road if desired?

After battling with numerouse pests in my prior 120 gallon, any new addition (be it fish or coral) will be QT'd appropriately and purchases and additions will only come from trusted and respected local reefers and domestic companies. I will never again battle the likes of bryopsis or blue cloves again!

As of now, the sump is in the coated stand and I will be installing the remaining plumbing this week. The sand will be here this week as well, and I would like to have the tank filled with water, rock, and sand by this weekend so the cycle can begin. I am very excited for this overhaul and will continue to document the progress in this thread.

Thanks for reading and I hope this overhaul looks as good in person as it does in my head right now. Haha.

Good for you man! Tearing down a tank is no easy task but from what it sounds like you're going to be much happier! Your fish list sounds pretty sweet I love the look of a tank with multiple small active swimming fish like anthias and wrasses
Thanks guys. It has been a lot of work but I've learned so much since I set up my last tank (forced into purchase because prior 125 dt started leaking) and want to implement as much of what I've learned as possible.

Plus it sparks the passion for the hobby in me all over again. It will be fun to see the tank progress throughout the coming months. :)
Hello Everyone! Here's a quick update:

Yesterday I got the majority of the plumbing for the tank finished. Unfortunately I forgot a few 1.5 inch pieces (elbows) so need to finish the return portion today. The manifold and drains are complete. The manifold consists of four ball valves to be used for:

1 x water changes
2 x media reactors (GFO and Carbon)
1 x unused (for later use ie pellet reactor, ca reactor, etc)


Since I am using the factory stand and rent my house, I had to get very creative with the plumbing and fully utilize as much space as I effectively could. Due to this restraint, I will be externally mounting my doser once it arrives to the outside of the stand and will create a small table or something to disguise it from view.

After I finish the plumbing tonight, I will fill the system with water and let it run for 24 hours to ensure that all plumbing and bulkheads do not leak. Once this is complete, sand will be rinsed, rock will be secured together, and the tank will be filled with salt water. I hope to begin the cycle by Thursday or Friday of this week.

For sand, I am beginning with two 30 lb bags of Tropic Eden Reef Flakes and one 30 lb bag of Tropic Eden Mini Reef Flakes. I will see how this looks and possibly add more sand if needed.

Here are some pics to tide everyone over until the fun stuff actually starts! :D What do you think?



A Boise reefer! I would say "another Boise reefer," but it's taking forever to solicit bids for my planned tank. Anyhow, a local hello!

Also, how do you like the look of the mixed reek flakes and mini reef flakes? That's what I've been contemplating, too.
Unfortunately due to moving in a few months, graduating from college, and looking for another job I was unable to continue with this build. I sold nearly everything three to four months ago.

I am not slowly but surely piecing together a 45 marineland cube. This size tank will be much more conducive to my hectic lifestyle and be much easier to move out of state (can be lifted by one person!).

I'll start a new build thread for the 45, but that won't be ready for another couple months. So far I have the tank, swc 160 skimmer, tunze 6095 with 7092 controller, and ai sol with controller. Still need to build a stand, sump, rock structure, light rail, and find an eheim 1260, bubble magus doser, and a few other things. ;)