New member
I'm going through an unfortunate life change and after much deliberation decided to break down my dream tank and sell everything rather than having to move it multiple times. First up is all the corals. Please don't ask about fish and/or equipment at this time. They will be listed in future threads.
SF, MF, LF=small frag,..etc SC, MC, LC=small colony,..etc
Oregon tort, MC $200
SC Orange passion, SC $300
Pink Floyd, MC $300
ORA red planet, MC $100
Walt Disney, SC $300
JF Homewrecker, LF $700
Mr Pacman, SC $80
Icefire echinata, SC $100
BC Glow stick, MC $100
The Vihn, SF $40
Cherry bomb, SF $150
RR Pink Cadillac, MF $ 150
Vivid rainbow delight, LF $50
WWC Kung pao monti, SF $150
Pink Anacropora, MF $100
Maleficent, SF $60
Pink branching cyphastrea, LF $100
JF yellow submarine favia, LF $200
JF dayglow favia, MF $40
SC angel eye favia, SF $30
Titan favia, MF $30
Red orange lepto, LC $100, MF $30
Jack o lantern lepto, MC $100
Warpaint scoly $100
Blue derasa clam $30
Gold/blue rim derasa clam $60
True rainbow rhodactis $50pp
Nuclear sunset rhodactis $20pp
Red and green blasto, MC $100
Rainbow lobo, SC $60
Duncuns, MC $50
Ultra rock flower nem $60
Multi color mini maxi $30
Watermelon mini maxi $40
This is by no means a complete list. So much more.
Please PM with your cell# so we don't go back and forth through PMs.
This tank was just hitting it's stride and was on it's way to being my dream SPS tank. Here are some photos taken a few days ago. All zoas, chalices, and a few SPS have already sold. Also, if anyone cares, I will be keeping an IM25 gallon lagoon and will still be in the hobby.
SF, MF, LF=small frag,..etc SC, MC, LC=small colony,..etc
Oregon tort, MC $200
SC Orange passion, SC $300
Pink Floyd, MC $300
ORA red planet, MC $100
Walt Disney, SC $300
JF Homewrecker, LF $700
Mr Pacman, SC $80
Icefire echinata, SC $100
BC Glow stick, MC $100
The Vihn, SF $40
Cherry bomb, SF $150
RR Pink Cadillac, MF $ 150
Vivid rainbow delight, LF $50
WWC Kung pao monti, SF $150
Pink Anacropora, MF $100
Maleficent, SF $60
Pink branching cyphastrea, LF $100
JF yellow submarine favia, LF $200
JF dayglow favia, MF $40
SC angel eye favia, SF $30
Titan favia, MF $30
Red orange lepto, LC $100, MF $30
Jack o lantern lepto, MC $100
Warpaint scoly $100
Blue derasa clam $30
Gold/blue rim derasa clam $60
True rainbow rhodactis $50pp
Nuclear sunset rhodactis $20pp
Red and green blasto, MC $100
Rainbow lobo, SC $60
Duncuns, MC $50
Ultra rock flower nem $60
Multi color mini maxi $30
Watermelon mini maxi $40
This is by no means a complete list. So much more.
Please PM with your cell# so we don't go back and forth through PMs.
This tank was just hitting it's stride and was on it's way to being my dream SPS tank. Here are some photos taken a few days ago. All zoas, chalices, and a few SPS have already sold. Also, if anyone cares, I will be keeping an IM25 gallon lagoon and will still be in the hobby.

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