I am going to be moving soon, and want to break down and sell my entire 55g setup. Moving out of state and plan on getting a much larger tank once I am settled in. I have a 55g with black pine canopy and stand, it has a 20g tank as a sump. 2 VHO and 2 t-5 actnics. Bulbs are all about 4 to 5 months old. All in all I think it has about 120-130 lbs of live rock in the display and sump. I have 2 finger leathers, montipora, 2 large zoa colonies, and rock roughly the size of a football that is covered with a beautiful neon green star polyps. 1 green tip frogspawn (2 heads) 1 white torch with 4 heads, and multiple purple mushrooms. A pair of oceallaris clowns (appx 3 years old) 1 med size blue tang, one large lawnmower blenny, black brittle star. Dolphin pump with 2 eductors, a koralia 600, and a 150g powerhead for the circulation. Modified seaclone skimmer and a phosban reactor. I am willing to do the entire setup for $500 and will assist in the move. I will be willing to part out as well but would much prefer to sell a complete unit. I will get pics up as soon as I can.