brillow pad/sargassum sp.


New member
i recently bought 2 specimens of macro algae, a brillow pad and a sargassum sp.
i am having trouble finding info on them. any help would be appreciated

I think the "brillo pad" might be a name for a specie of the green algae, Chaetomorpha. Usually grown in refugia. Search "Chaetomorpha" and you should find some pictures and information.

Sargassum is a brown algae, usually with tiny bladders that look like fruits between the "leaves". Mine attaches to rock with a single holdfast, and grows slowly into a small bush shape. If part breaks off, it may drift around, but won't form a new attachment, IME. Good for the main tank because not much consumes it, it doesn't spread readily, and it is easily controllable. Seems to slow in growth as the tank matures.