Broken Titanium Shaft


New member
I have a Tunze 6045. Problem is the shaft is broken. I don't know it still under warrenty or not because I bought it used. Question is how much to fix it and shipped back to zip 22044.
Many Thanks in advance,
The titanium shafts don't break, it is the older stainless shafts that broke, send it in and I will replace it.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin TX 78753
Just to let you know, I received the item. Thanks so much, Roger for your outstanding customer service. Sadly, now there is a starting issue. It won't start by it own. I have to make it start. And once it starts, it run for a few minutes then the propeller got stuck. I don't know what happed.
Please open the pump and check the propeller, I would need your name to check the records but you should have got a new replacement. I would guess something like a packing peanut got in the pump.
Yes, I did get a replacement and thank you very much Roger. I did too check the propeller. I didn't see anything got stuck. But yes the problem is the propeller because I used a different propeller from my a different pump. It works flawlessly. What else should I do next? BTW, my name is Huy Nguyen.
Thanks again for the replacement and outstanding curstomer service.
So, with another 6025.700 drive unit it works? It sounds like the propeller is too stiff to start, I can send another. The 6025.700 prop must fit a little loose on the shaft so the magnet can start spinning before it has the resistance of the water and propeller.
Yes, they use the same drive unit, 6025.700. My question is, simply by changing this the pump works? If so I can send a new drive unit.
Roger, I know that you sent it on Monday. Did you send it to the correct address because I still have not gotten it yet?
Yes, but it went by mail and while we dropped it off Monday it was after 5 so it didn't go out from the local post office until Tuesday. You should get it this week.
Sorry Roger for not updating. I got the prop. on Monday but have not tested it yet. I'll do that tomorrow when I do water change. I'll let you know then.