I am on my eighth day with my precured live rock in my tank. My water tests out at : Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0, PH 8.4, Alk 2.5, Calcium 440. I have been leaving my lights on for 3 days and tonight I came home to find some brown algae on my live rock. Is this diatom algae? I am using RODI water for initial fill and top offs. Is this outbreak normal? Will it go away on it's own? Was this outbreak caused by when the water was testing out with elevated levels of nitrite, ammonia? I guess my cycle has gone through because on the 22 of Dec. I had high ammonia and nitrite levels and tonight I measured the levels because of the brown algae and everything measured out fine. (See levels above^). I also have ordered 45 more lbs. of live rock and it will be coming on friday. Do all new reef tanks get this algae breakout? Is it part of the tank cycling process? What will happen to the brown algae? Will some new algae phase happen after this brown stuff? Please advise, Thanks.
Life is short....live life to the fullest !
Life is short....live life to the fullest !