Hey peeps.... any idea what this is. I'm guessing it's some type of algae, but before I take it out I wanted to make sure it's not some type egg sac or something.
I often find this in my tank, probably some type of protein or oil build-up. I generally use a turkey baster to remove it or blow it off from the rock so that it can be removed by the skimmer.
Thanks for the info..... I haven't done anything with this yet. The blob has grown a bit and now has a bright yellow spot on the top.... so confused on what this is. Any more ideas would be great!
Doesn't look like bubble algae to me. Looks alot like a macro algae I have in one of my tanks: Leathesia. There are a couple of different species, but that's what it looks like to me, pictures albeit out of focus.
Thanks for the reply.... I have left it in my tank for now. It has gotten bigger and is completely transparent. Kinda cool, but the weird thing is the bright yellow spot on top. Will let it go for a little bit longer just to see what happens.
100% without a doubt, bubble algae. The pink spot is coralline growing on it. Have some in my tank, even glowed at night under just actinics. Thought it was some kind of long dead polyp that came back to life.
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