Well, so much for patience, I went to Lowe's, got a Stainless Steel wire brush (for welds) a little bigger than a toothbrush with a wooden handle. Then I went to LFS and got a new micron filter cartridge for one of my Magnum 350's. I hooked a longer piece of tubing to the intake of the magnum and attached a rigid piece for control to the end. I scraped ever so lightly a very small spot of the algae and vacuumed the area as I went with the magnum. The small part I did still had some nice purple coraline under that brown devil spawn. I will now restrain myself and observe any changes to the quarter sized patch I cleared of the wafer algae. I did notice that it was a bit harder to remove from spot where there was no coraline algae underneath, or at least there isn't any left.
I apologize to everyone for taking so long to reply to this post, I lost a power supply on my comp and had to mess around with it between 13hr 7 day work weeks.
The only clue I have is the Phosphate levels, although I doubt I have accurate readings, mine are supposedly an increment above zero at worst. I might have some tested from an outside source, I hear a local lab can nail Phosphates pretty good for a (hmmgghmm) fair price.
Hey, let's keep this post alive, we could all use a timely demise to this obnoxious algae.
I apologize to everyone for taking so long to reply to this post, I lost a power supply on my comp and had to mess around with it between 13hr 7 day work weeks.
The only clue I have is the Phosphate levels, although I doubt I have accurate readings, mine are supposedly an increment above zero at worst. I might have some tested from an outside source, I hear a local lab can nail Phosphates pretty good for a (hmmgghmm) fair price.
Hey, let's keep this post alive, we could all use a timely demise to this obnoxious algae.