browned acros - what happened?


About 2 months ago, I bought some beautiful acros from a reputable internet coral dealer. When I recieved them, they had all browned quite a bit. I thought that this was normal for the shipping stress. They have been in my system under 6500k MH and 10k pc for two months. They are place about 6" below the surface with the lights another 6" above that. The have just turned to a more intense brown but not much color has returned. They are extending he polyps and feeding as well. Can I have too much light that close up or is it more likely that it's not enough? I am upgrading from a 60g to a 120 with 2x250's or 400's. Do you think those would improve the color? I will be running a chiller, so would the 400's be a better choice? All opinions are welcomed!
Maybe posting in the sps forum and not the soft coral forum will get a better response.

First, lets see your water parameters.
I will check again asap, but just before I added them it was as follows;
NH3 0
NO2 0
NO3 2-3 ppm
Phos .25
PH 8.3
SG 1.0245
temp 79
CA 390
alk 145 meq/l
That is what I was wondering. The 6500k's are supposed to be great for growth, but I was wondering about color. Even my GBTA has become more of a dark brown than green. All seem healthy except for the color. Will 2-3ppm of nitrates do the browning?
Possibly the high PAR of the 6500k's is overdriving the brown zooxanthallae. I have steady 2.5 ppm nitrates and some very colorful SPS.
Makes sense. I just started to get an algae problem as well. My system is overloaded, so I am upgrading from a 60g to a 120g. I just bought a ER C6-2+ to replace the remora on my 60. Hopefully these acros will hang in there until I complete the change.
Nutrient levels, flow issues are often a major part of coloration, IMO.

It's not uncommon for Acropora to brown when introduced into the tank, remain pretty blah while encrusting and only recolor well when they start to grow from their tips again - but then again it shouldn't be every Acro doing that either.

Skimming will definitely help, paying attention to water quality is neverending with Acropora. There are Acro's that are browner [or brown] - and colorful corals that appear brown now can be made colorful again IME. Some Acropora come in with one coloration - change in your tank do a different one. It's a crapshoot to a degree - though I've found that with good water quality, colorful corals remain colorful - just sometimes change colors a bit.

I've had far better luck with tank-aquacultured stuff than wild for keeping good colors ... and a few have required a 6 month wait to do much ... genetics is important to having a nice tank, but the right tank seems to be able to make just about every coral a star.

Anyway - do check out the `lets talk about' threads in the SPS sticky FAQ:
Great reading. Note that water quality is the first listed, though flow and light are also key.

I would perhaps consider 10k bulbs as well. While the 6500 has the best output [I use on my frag/non-display tank] I think to the eye 10k gives nicer color [widest range]. And various 10k bulbs IMO look different - research, ask around, see as many as you can. IMO, this is the second thing to pay attention to.
That explains alot for me, thanks. One of them is really beginning to take growing and it's new growth is all true to color.
What level of nitrates/nutients would it take to make the acros brown? I had run phosban with carbon for a while and stopped it. Perhaps, with the heavy stocking for now run it again until I upgrade.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7314592#post7314592 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by twon8
i wouldn't expect much color under 6500k mh

Why not, some of the most colorful SPS tanks I've seen have been under 6500k's with VHO?