Brownish strings?


New member
For the past two weeks I've been having problems with tiny brown strings stuck on the skirts of my zoas/palys. I know they produce waste that comes out in strings but they appear be stinging the skirts. A lot of the skirts are folded up where the strings are and some even look like parts of the skirts have receded. Does anyone have this problem? I've always seen waste being produced by my zoas/palys but never to the point where it effected them negatively.
as said...need pics, but its either waste........which is no cause for concern, or its mesenterial filaments, which can be a bad thing that I have seen lead to individual polyps or even an entire colony dying. Its a stress response to one thing or another in which usually they pull out of it and go back to normal
Here's the best picture I could take. You can see a long brown strand coming from the skirt of a joker paly, notice how it's partly closed.

Sorry can't really help. I would increase the flow on them a bit, worth I try. Funny how you put pics up but didnt get any answers
It sounds like a brown-slime algae is being blown off of rocks, around the tank and getting caught in the skirts. Have a turkey baster on hand to suck it out when visible.
I dont know of anything that is sure to eat it, tangs will most likely pick at it. (not saying to buy a tang for it, by any means.)
I would suggest getting more flow to the areas that you see this algae forming as well as water changes will always help.
I dont know of anything that is sure to eat it, tangs will most likely pick at it. (not saying to buy a tang for it, by any means.)
I would suggest getting more flow to the areas that you see this algae forming as well as water changes will always help.

Ok, thanks for the heads up. Brown slime is what it ended up being.:)