Bryopsis and Zoanthid...connection?


Premium Member
Some Bryopsis hitchhiked its way into my tank thru a trade I am guessing.
It is trying to take hold in my main tank and I am trying to stop it.
A few small, small patches of it are on the rockwork which I am removing manually.

And now I am noticing a very weird thing.

Almost all of the Zo rocks I have in my tank are becoming COVERED in the algae.
The rest of the rockwork, like I said, has a few small patches and it's rate of growth/spread is virtually none.
But the Zo Rocks are BLAM-O, covered.

I don't see how they can directly spread as there are a few feet between each Zo rock. But all of them are infected.
These are Zo's which I have had for years as well.

Has anyone else noticed any correlation between Bryopsis and Zoanthids?
Hey Sean,

That's really interesting. I'm afraid I have no knowledge to offer about the situation but I just wanted to comment. Are you sure it is Bryopsis? You don't have access to a microscope w/ a digital camera by any chance, do ya :)?

It's only a theory, but my take on it is that the structure of the Zoo colonies traps sediment. This sediment is just chock full of nutrients and promotes localized algae growth ;)