Chuck H.
The search engine is busy so I need to ask this question that I'm sure has been asked before: How do you combat Bryopsis algae? My parameters are good as far as nutrients - no Nitrate (Salifert) and no Phosphate (SeaTest). I have a Sailfin Tang that nips at the stuff every now and then, but my Lawnmower Blenny ignores it completely. I have about 15-20 Nassarius snails, 12 blue leg hermits, 1 large Mexican Turbo and a handful of Astrae snails. I have manually removed some of it in the past and will continue to do so if necessary. I do run a Phosban reactor and I just changed the media about 8 days ago. I want to get it under control or begin to anyway before I start using my new Tek light next week -I'd hate for the new lighting to cause an even bigger outbreak! Any thoughts, advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.